Saturday, January 2, 2010

On this day.....

24 years ago, a beautiful woman was born. She passed away on July 12th this year (okay actually last year). I miss her a lot. She was a wonderful, supportive, fantastic friend. Little things every day remind me she's always nearby, things I see that make me smile and think of her.
I'm not sad anymore that she's gone, I know she is happy and finally healthy and out of pain. I know she's doing an amazing work for Heavenly Father, and she's a beautiful reminder to be a better person every day.

As such, I've been reflecting on what I need to do this year to become a better person. I mean yes, it's also the new year and that makes everyone reflect and I'm going to make some REASONABLE resolutions.

1. (The Obvious One) Get healthy, lose weight, and exercise more.
2. Read my scriptures more diligently
3. Become more kind to myself
4. Look for more experiences to become a more patient woman
5. Just as I ask others to accept me for who I am, I need to accept them they way they are.
6. Take every opportunity that I can to take pictures.
7. Keep my blog updated better, and not just open letter blogs, they are the easy way out.


The little Lowes said...

You are so awesome!

Mandi said...

Dear Britty.

I love you.

That is all.

Mandi :) xoxox

Arlee Bird said...

Those are commendable resolutions.
Good luck with them.

You might enjoy my post today about my mother who was a dancer:
