With my long hair! I'm cutting all of it off. I mean ALL OF IT! I'm going for a pixie cut, I'm SUPER nervous! I mean, I know it's just hair, it will grow back, and my hair isn't my identity. It's my thing, but it's not who I am.
This decision has been about a month in the making. I keep reading articles titled "Should you cut your hair short" and exploring all the possibilites that short hair will give me. My feelings on it change every day one day I will be like "Hell Yes! Cut all the crap off!" and then an hour or so later, I'm like "My pretty pretty hair, why would I want to cut it all off?"
But I'm going to do it, I'm seizing my day, I'm throwing caution to the wind, I'm doing something I may regret, but I'm doing it.
I guess the real reason I'm doing it is because I'm trying to be more open to new exiriences. I've always been pretty open-minded when it comes to trying something new. Whether it's new food, activites, people, clothes, hair colors, decorating, tv shows/movies/music, and now I add to that list, hair lengths.
Most of my life I have what you would call medium to long length hair. I once cut my hair super short in high school by an inexpirienced cosmetologist. It was AWFUL. I couldn't do much with it, it was all one length without any bangs. I faked liking it the whole time. It's the only time my hair has been anywhere in the vicinity of my ears. I generally don't cut higher than that because I really like pulling my hair into a pony tail.
But today at 2 o clock, I will be cutting off all of it. I'm aware that some may think this will rob me of my femminity, and that boys like girls with long lush hair, but I'm not doing this for anyone but me. I'm cutting it to fufill a list of promises I made to myself when I turned 23 so that I wouldn't fester and not try any new things. I feel a strong pull to complete as much on that list as humanly possible in the next year. Two months in I have been really remiss in fufilling any of them! I've finished one thing and that was by accident.
So shut up and tell me my hair is cute whether you like it or not!